Things You Should Read - 2/17/2017

It has been a busy week at Crucible Performance as we are constantly trying to push to bring you the best, not just some of the time, but all the time!  Below are some great reads for you that I found interesting from the week!  Enjoy!

As spring training begins, pitchers enter Tommy John danger zone - USA Today interviewed Alan Jaeger, Mike Reinold and Eric Cressey on their thoughts on the spike of injuries during spring training

Be Different - Todd Durkin is at the top of the game and just concluded his Mastermind Retreat.  He asks Travis Barnes "What it means to be different"

My Break-up letter to Stress - Heidi Hanna is a great resource on managing stress.  This is an older article, but a great one on fixing our mindset and committing to getting rid of stress in our lives! 

That is all from me today!  Have an amazing weekend and find a way to make a difference in somebody's life today!

- Ryan


Benefits of an In-Season Training Program


12 Don't Series - Part 1