Your "When Life Works" List


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Many of us have felt that painful feeling of being overlooked.

Whether it be for the starting lineup or being overlooked by your school crush… it doesn’t feel good. On the other side of being overlooked and the emotion that it elicits, we know deep down that there is something we have on the inside to prove. We have a fire on the inside that says that it was wrong of them to overlook us because we have greatness on the inside.

We talked about the 3 Mindset Shifts we must make, as well as the Actions We Must Take if we want to go from overlooked, to can’t go without being noticed.

Now that our mind is right and we are taking action, we are feeling good… until…

Until that moment that adversity and challenge comes back at us. It pops its head up and we immediately begin to feel the fear, anxiety and negative emotions come flowing back in.

So what do we do now?
We turn to what we call our “When Life Works List”

Just like any sports team, we are going to have a plan for whatever life throws at us. We are going to know exactly what we are doing when we are living at our best!

We have 5 main areas we want to look at.

Physical, Intellectual, Psychological, Emotional, Spiritual


What are you doing in your life when you are feeling like a million bucks physically? 

Are you working out consistently?
How is your nutrition?
Are you sleeping well?
How’s that alcohol consumption?

We know generally what helps us operate at our best, but how many of us actually sit down and make a plan?

For me, I know I operate best when I am working out at least 30 minutes a day, 5 days a week. I also know that eating late hurts my sleep and I don’t recover well if I do. I operate best when I am getting at least 7 hours of sleep and I refrain from having too much caffeine too late in the day.

The nice part about the physical piece is that it also helps clear my head and is my getaway to help me “get my mind right” for the day.

Something that I also personally use is WHOOP and Myzone, so I can track exactly where I am at each and every day physically! The more we can know, the better! Read more here about some of the technology I use to ensure that I am physically at my best!


I love learning. I have specifically set aside time in the morning as part of my morning routine to learn something new. I am currently taking a nutrition course through Precision Nutrition, which is challenging me and forcing me to think differently.

So how are you keeping your brain sharp? One of the biggest killers to your intellectual genius is the endless scrolling and stimulation that we give our brains through tv and phones.

We never allow ourselves to be bored anymore. We never ponder things. We never think about things. We never try to figure anything out because there is a youtube video for it.

A challenge for you! The next time you are out to eat and your significant other goes to use the restroom, refuse to look at your phone. I know! It is the first thing you do because your brain doesn’t want to be bored. It wants to be entertained. So let’s rewire that brain of yours.

So when do you feel the sharpest? Are you reading? Are you listening to podcasts? Are you challenging your brain to work, or just entertaining it?


How is your mindset and what are you doing to set yourself up for success with it?

The number one most common mistake people make is turning on their phone and hopping into the world of social media first thing in the morning. They are immediately allowing themselves to be open to social media setting the tone for their day.

The scroll across a cute baby? Going to be a good day.
Scroll across a political post they don’t agree with? Lens for the day is negative.

We must set up our own frame for the day.

What are you filling your head with? Are you filling it with positive expectations and thoughts? Are you filling it with the goals and dreams that you have? Are you setting the tone for the day by getting your mind in a place that looks for the opportunities, or focuses on the limits?

Take some time to figure out what sets you up for success, and make some changes!


This is very closely tied to our psychological state. What is the frame that you are setting yourself up with for the day.

You know that there will be events in the day… both good and bad. You have two choices. To react out of emotion or respond with thought and intellect.

We need both, but I have personally found, and maybe you have too, that when we make decisions based purely in emotions… well that does not usually turn out so well.

This is the plan within the plan. Knowing beforehand how you are going to react or respond to day.

For me, I wake up each and every morning and start with gratitude. I tell myself that I am going to be EAGER, no matter what comes.  I know that I am going to walk into the day and have a blessing come my way, or I will be blessed with a challenge that will help me grow.

If you set your frame early, you can avoid the pitfalls of the emotional traps our minds can play.

So what frame sets you up to be at your best?


What whispers are you tapping into?

For me, I know I operate best in ALL the other areas when my spiritual life is strong and I am tapping into the whispers.

During the pandemic, I started a small Bible study group that meets online at 6:30 every morning, Monday through Friday. It is awesome to say that we are still meeting over a year later and it has been one of the best things for my spiritual walk.

It helps anchors me into what I believe the foundation for life is, and helps steer my thoughts, decisions and actions.

If you are not of a specific faith, I encourage you to take some time to be in the presence of silence. What are the whispers you are hearing? Where are your thoughts going? Be sure to journal those thoughts and words.

If you have questions about faith or want to know more about my personal faith, I am always open for a conversation and look forward to communicating with you about it.


We all know that challenges are coming, so let’s prepare for them and make a plan for success before it even shows it’s face.

What allows you to operate at your best in each of the five areas we outlined?

Take some time to create your When Life Works List, so that way you have something to turn to and anchor to when the challenges come your way!