Unlock the Secret: Building Your Daughter's Confidence


Confidence is one of the most sought after qualities from parents when they bring their daughters into Crucible Performance for training. If you are reading this, you are probably wanting the same thing, but don’t quite know where to start.

In a world that is getting tougher to navigate by the day, here are some strategies that we use here at Crucible to coach your daughter to build the same confidence in themselves that you have in them.

1. Go into GPS Mode

Your first question is probably, “What in the world is GPS mode?” GPS mode is a framework we have developed to help athletes to logically understand the importance of setting goals and get them to critically think about what it will take to get there.

What is the first thing a GPS does when you are traveling somewhere? It asks you for your destination. Knowing the destination is a critical piece of information for the GPS to work.

What is the other critical piece of information it must know? It must know where you currently are at. If you are traveling to California, the directions are drastically different if you are in Wisconsin compared to Florida.

Many people don’t have a clear vision of where they are going, let alone have a clear understanding of where they currently are. That causes confusion. That causes stress. That causes anxiety.

It makes it hard to be confident because you can’t be PREPARED for the journey you are going on. Just like a test in school, you feel confident based on whether you are prepared or not. Want to build your daughter’s confidence? Help her get prepared!

But before you can prepare… you must know where she is going, and where she is at.

2. Choose Your Challenge

After she establishes where she wants to go (even a loose direction) and where she currently is, she can begin the preparation process.

This is the part where many people drop off… because it is hard. It is uncomfortable. It is challenging. It is frustrating. It is exhausting. It is overwhelming at times. It is difficult.

But it is BECAUSE it is all those things that she will be able to have confidence. She must begin to actively choose the challenges in her life that will push her out of her comfort zone. She must consistently and intentionally put herself in challenging situations. It is through the challenges and adversity that she has the opportunity to grow.

She will have the opportunity to build resiliency. She will have the opportunity to build grit. She will have the opportunity to build perseverance. She will have the opportunity to build discipline.

She will have the opportunity to grow her confidence because she will have a mountain full of challenges and adversity that she has overcome, and persevered through. She will be PREPARED for the challenges ahead because of the pile of challenges she has already faced, tackled, and overcome.

She will be prepared.

3. Cherish the Challenge

As she is going through the challenges, it will be hard. Especially in a world where everything has been relatively easy and quick results are everywhere. Youth athletes didn’t have to learn the patience of dial up internet!

It will be hard to sustain a life of consistent challenges if she is looking at challenges as something that is just hard. This is where our Cherish the Challenge mindset comes in.

The average athlete, or person for that matter, runs from the challenges. They complain about the weather They complain about how terrible the coach is. They complain about being tired. They complain about not feeling like it. They complain about not having enough time. They complain about (insert complaint here)

We want to coach her to begin loving, embracing, and running towards the challenges in life because those are the moments that you grow!

It is an OPPORTUNITY to grow… Just because you go through a challenge, it doesn’t mean that you WILL grow. That’s why coaching the Cherish the Challenge mindset is so important so that she can maximize her growth and opportunities for them.

Wrap Up

We have confidence that your daughter CAN build her confidence and go beyond anything she dreams is possible! We have confidence that it can happen because we have seen it happen and have walked alongside countless young ladies as they have grown into strong and confident women.

Your daughter can do that same and we would love the opportunity to walk alongside her as well! If you want to come and experience where this kind of transformation happens, be sure to reach out and set up a complimentary session where we can connect and learn more about how we can serve your daughter best!

Keep chasing after, choosing, and cherishing those challenges!

Enter your info below to claim your free evaluation session and start building your confidence!

Ryan Morse