Kill Your Momentum in 10 Easy Steps

Big Mo…
The tide….

You hear announcers talk about momentum in sporting events. That you can “Feel” when the momentum starts to swing in the direction of a particular team. One great play starts a trickle and seamless stream of other great plays. Everything seems to just start going right and all the plays seem to start working in their favor.

That’s Big Mo!

Momentum can go both ways though. One small decision or bad play can send a team or individual into a spiral of endless errors or bad decisions. How many of us have fallen into the trap of letting one small decision domino into a series of bad decisions or self sabotage?

The “oh well, might as well…” moments.

For many of us, it is hard to figure out what to do to start a winning streak… but on the other side of our brain, we are VERY GOOD at figuring out how to sabotage ourselves from being successful. That’s how our brains are wired… to see and find threats.


SO, if we can find out ways to Kill Our Momentum, we can flip the answers, and we now have a solid game plan of what TO DO to achieve momentum. Without further ado, here is our

Top 10 Ways to DESTROY your good momentum.

  1. Only Focus on the Negative

  2. If you can’t take BIG ACTION, refuse to take any at all

  3. Look for excuses at every chance

  4. Become emotional about any shortcomings or or setbacks

  5. Let one bad choice compound into the next

  6. Seek others approval before making choices

  7. Go with the flow

  8. Wait till tomorrow. Procrastination is key

  9. If it’s hard, don’t do it

  10. Diminish any sort of “Win” you achieve.

There you have it! How to guarantee that you kill any sort of good momentum you might be building this month or year.


Now of course, this list is the exact opposite of what we want to do… but I’ll bet there are some of them that we are currently doing! If so, there is your starting point of where we can immediately begin turning the negative momentum into a positive one!


Let’s keep the momentum going, or start building the momentum that you wanting to have! It all starts with BELIEVING in the future you want to have.


We believe in you and we are here to walk alongside you on your journey! If there is something that has been tugging at you to do, let us help get that momentum going in the right direction and start taking steps toward a life BEYOND what you believe to be possible!


Want to destroy that dream? Re-read the Top 10 list above.