4 Years Ago...

Four short years ago I listened to a whisper. A whisper that kept calling me out of my comfort zone. A whisper that kept telling me there was more to life than settling for what the world said was success. 

The whisper got louder and more like a yell the more I ignored it and listened to the self doubt and stinking thinking that was inside of me.

As time went on, and as I continued to ignore the whispers, the self-talk and self-doubt continued to get louder as well. I came up for more reasons and excuses of why I couldn’t do what I felt I was being called to do.


I wasn’t experienced enough.

I was too young. 

I didn’t have enough money. 

I don’t know how. 

Nobody would listen to me. 

It was too scary.

I just started a family.

Now isn’t the right time.

Insert your favorite excuse here and it probably applied.


It finally took one of those God Moments where he pushed me beyond my comfort zone because I hadn’t willingly taken the step myself. Ever had one of those?

The moment came here I had to take a stand on stepping up and into who it is that I felt I was being called to be… or I was going to cower away and settle for the life I was living, helping a company who had been the one to deliver the gut punch to me on God’s behalf.

I knew the latter was not an option and in that moment decided I would go all in on what I felt I was being lead to do. Fast forward 6 months later and I would be walking out of the doors of that business that had helped me gain everything that everyone said I would need to be successful for the last time.  Truth is I was making good money, had a large client base, was seeing results, was respected as a fellow co-worker, had growth potential… but all that at the expense of doing what I felt called to do.

So 4 years ago, as I walked out of the doors of that business, I was simultaneously stepping through the doors of my purpose where there was no guarantee of success, no money, no clients, and no business plan other than feeling called and a never quit work ethic.

I opened my eyes on October 1, 2016 with the sole job of being the owner of Crucible Performance. That was the most satisfying and scary thing to wake up and realize. Truth is, if God had let me see the trials, challenges and adversity that was going to come, I’m not sure I would have made the move. The past 4 years have been nothing short of living up to the Crucible Performance brand. I am certainly the product of being Crucible Built!

One of the biggest challenges faced was being “business homeless” for an entire year while searching for the new location of where Crucible would set it’s roots. 2 years ago on October 1, 2018, I would open my eyes and would be walking into the new home for Crucible Performance, and where we currently are today.

I sit here today on October 1 and just smile. I reflect on all the lives that we have been fortunate enough to have had the opportunity to serve and walk alongside on their journey to become who God has called them to be.

I am grateful that I stepped into the fear. I am grateful I took the step. I am grateful I listened to the whisper. I am grateful for all those who have supported us. I am grateful for all the challenges. I am grateful for all the lessons.

Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to walk alongside you on your journey and to fulfill my God-given purpose. Thank you for helping me turn what started off as a whisper into something that is changing lives beyond just the weight room or athletic field.


Keep listening for the whispers.

Keep seeing the challenges as opportunities.

Keep seeking ways to shine your light.


Cherish the Challenge

Ryan Morse

Ryan MorseRyan Morse