In The Storm

From the moment you are born, you are being inundated with challenges, obstacles, advertisements, pressures, fears, stressors and social norms. The most difficult thing about all of these are that they are constantly changing. As easily as the wind changes direction, so do all of the latest trends, fads, and things you are told you must care about. 

The positive?

Challenges are still opportunities to grow. The challenge might appear differently than before, but the lesson remains the same. We must go through the trials, adversity and challenge if we want to grow for the better.

But be warned! Growth is not required. The very same challenge that some choose to grow from, other eventually crumble under. It is a choice. You must choose to grow in the face of adversity and challenge.

Does that make you nervous? Don’t let it, because I have good news!

Up until this point, you have survived every worst moment of your life. You have grown from each and every one. You have moved forward and have persevered in the face of challenge. Still not feeling it? I challenge you to take a sheet of paper out and write out all of the obstacles you have overcome in your life.

Me? I come from a split home. I was told I should play something other than baseball because I was too small. Was threatened and bullied in high school. Was told I wouldn’t ever play collegiate ball because I didn’t have what it takes. The first company I worked for out of college lost its contract, and I was the only person who was not brought back. Almost quit personal training after not having any clients for the first few months. Crucible was kicked out of our original location, thus leaving us “business homeless” for a year. 

 After 8 months of searching, the location we were settling on pulled their offer on the way to signing the lease. In the midst of all this, the home my wife and I were renting was being sold and we had to find a place to live. Then, like most of you, 2020 hit and COVID shuts us down for 3 full months.

While that is just the quick highlight reel from my past, all could have been used as excuses to quit, but were thankfully used as lessons to grow from.

I learned that it’s not about me. It’s was about my mindset and perspective in the storm. In those times I spent many of days and nights on my knees praying and getting my spiritual life and perspective on life right. What really matters? Who really matters? What kind of impact do I really want to make in this life?

It also showed me that the very same storm that I was in, was also the site of many of the biggest blessings I’ve experienced in my life.

One of my biggest challenges now is to maintain this perspective when I am in a storm. I can write down all of the times that, with God’s help, I have persevered through challenges, but somehow quickly forget as soon as I face another storm.

Ever happen to you? Hopefully I am not the only one this happens to.

So if this is you right now. If you are in a storm… if you are at a point where you aren’t sure where to go next… I want you to remember.

I want you to remember all the times you have succeeded. If you are reading this it means you HAD to have persevered, otherwise you wouldn’t be here.

The challenges will continue to come. They will probably get even tougher, but that’s because you are getting better! We don’t keep doing the same thing in school year after year. No, we challenge ourselves to learn and grow.

So if you are in a storm, I want you to remember….

Remember, the very same place that Peter was in a storm on the water, was the exact same place he walked on it.

Look for the opportunities. Look for the growth. 

We got this! God Bless

- Ryan

Ryan Morse, MotivationRyan Morse